Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Def Leppard (1977-Present)

A more recent rock group. Although only a few members remaining, this group is one of rock and roll's burliest British group. You could throw any  problem towards this band and they won't stop performing and creating music. As an example, their drummer lost an arm just before they were getting popular and that didn't stop them from making albums. Their guitarist died early and it still didn't make them stop. Their replacement guitarist had cancer and that STILL didn't stop them. As you can already tell, they're very tenacious and persistent as a band.

Amazingly, these four haven't lost their touch over the years. I've seen them live on their "Mirror Ball"  tour and I gotta say, I was really impressed. Considering that a lot of years have passed and they still have it. A top favorite song of theirs that I listen to a lot is called "Armageddon It". It really shows the core of what the group is all about. The beat of it, the rhythm of it and the style of it is seen in all their popular songs. But it never gets old. Every song they create is surprisingly unique.

-Joe Elliot: He's a good example of when I mentioned that they still sound amazing. His voice is immortal or something. It sounds the same as it did 30 years ago. I really like the way his voice has that raspy, hoarse frequency. It really fits in with the rest of the music. Even in the slowest ballads, he manages to maintain that awesome aspect about his vocals.

-Rick Allen: I don't know how he does it. This drummer lost his arm and he never quit. He really showed me that no matter what happens, you must keep doing what you love. Don't let a problem drag you down in life. All in all, seeing him play was really an eye-opener for me. He's a really
 talented drummer.

-Phil Collen: A simply astounding guitar player. He puts so much passion into his career as a guitarist. Although he always looks serious when it comes to performing. He seems a lot more energetic of you listen to his riffs.
Vivian Campbell: I honestly prefer him over the original guitarist. I see him as the greatest replacement of all music history. This man fought cancer and went and performed a couple years later. I give a lot of respect to that man. His passion for music is greater than any other member. He was also a member of Dio, which is even more legendary.

Rick Savage: Truly one of rock and roll's greatest bassists. His tabs are very difficult to follow and he is no doubt my favorite 80's instrumentalist. Whenever I listen to one of their heavy tracks I can't help but to only listen to his bass-line.

To finish, Def Leppard is an incredibly adapting group. They really know how to roll with the punches. I hope that they will never stop making music and stay as awesome as they we're 30 years ago.

8 Rockets out of 10


  1. A great band, i havent listened to there music too much but they are defenatly very good and very unique in the way they play, and i can already tell that the beatles will be the last one.

  2. you guessed it right Joey! And what you said is also true, Def Leppard is very unique when it comes to their songs. Thanks for the addition, bud. I appreciate it.
